Monday, May 4, 2009

SUGAR! Our Newest Addition :)

We got a new baby on Tuesday! We LOVE her! Her name is Sugar and she's a one year old Pomeranian. She and Quincy get along so well! They wrestle for hours until they exhaust themselves and have to take a nap. They're actually both napping right now :)

Quincy is loving having a sister! We took them to the dog park last week and there were only big dogs there, so Sugar was really scared! I wouldn't pick her up unless more than one dog came up to her, because I wanted her to figure out that the big dogs were just saying hi and wouldn't hurt her. So she just hid behind me for the majority of the time. So Quincy went and sat on the grass about 15 ft away from us and every time a big dog would try to come say hi to Sugar, he would chase them away! It was so cute! And it got Sugar feeling like she could run around and enjoy the dog park as long as Quincy was nearby to keep her safe :)

We're LOVING having two dogs! It's so much easier than one because they entertain each other!



Quincy and Sugar