Saturday, November 17, 2012

Baby Shower!

Today was my baby shower!  My amazing friend Chanel threw my baby shower for me and I was SO impressed!!  She put so much work into all the details and I LOVED everything about it!  We decided to do it early because we were in the planning stages of the shower when my doctor was being very intense about possible pre-term labor and January seemed like the time the baby would come.  We didn't want to interfere with the holidays, so we planned it for just before Thanksgiving to be safe.

It was such a great shower!  I was particularly hurting this morning and Chanel has a fabulous new recliner that I got to sit in the whole time so I was very comfortable and made it through just fine.  I think I might just go live in her recliner for a few was sooo comfortable... and such a life saver!  :)  I felt a little bad that sitting in one place prevented me from circulating and talking with everyone there an equal amount, but I think everyone understood and we all had a great time :)

We played a super clever game of Concentration where the prizes perfectly coordinated with the words (if you matched "breast-feeding" you got a Milky Way, if you matched "epidural" you got LifeSavers, if you matched "conception" you got a Skor, etc. - haha! so cute!).  Then we had a super yummy spaghetti lunch and there were delicious desserts as well!  The blackberry lime squares were AMAZING (and purple!!!) and the cupcakes were SO good!!  (with purple sprinkles!)  :)  The water bottles even had cute labels that said "Robinson 2013" or "Baby Girl" - how awesome can you get??  Then we played the Name Game where everyone listed girl names for the whole alphabet and hoped no one else guessed their name.  I actually took notes because there were some really cute names that people came up with and we haven't named the baby yet!  :)

There was a table near the door where people could write down advice for me on one paper, and then address an envelope to themselves as well (for mailing thank you cards!).  We drew from the basket of envelopes so someone got a prize.  Then Chanel took all the advice cards and put them in a photo book to give me.  I read them all out loud and then picked my favorite and that person also got a prize!  It was so fun!  There was some great advice too :)

Then we opened gifts!  People got me such nice things - I loved it!  A few of the cards had long notes in them and I didn't want to make everyone wait for me to read them so I waited until I got home to read them all.  And it is a GOOD THING I did because I was totally crying while reading those sweet messages from my friends!!

The best part was the great people that showed up!  So many people commented to me about what a great group of people we had there.  A lot of people from the ward came, a couple of my coworkers were there (current and former), and my aunts, cousin and Grammy came!!  We had a great turn out - probably 18 people or so.  I was just so incredibly impressed by Chanel and all the amazing things she did to make my baby shower so special.  And I know a few other awesome people helped her out and I'm so grateful!  Everyone who was there was so sweet to come and make it such a great day!

My one sad thing is I didn't think to get a photo with me and Chanel!!  :(

Here's a ton of photos that my cousin took!  :)





Can you tell we had a great time??  :)

Love this awesome lady!!!


  1. YAY!!! It was soooooooooo much fun! I seriously have never come across someone so excited and READY and who exudes such LOVE for their baby as YOU. It was a joy to celebrate that, YOU, and her!!

    And I have been BUMMED ALL DAY about not getting a picture with you!! I told Ryan Im bringing my camera to church tomorrow!!

    You are more than welcome, thank you for letting me!! LOVE YA!!!

  2. Baby showers are so much fun! It’s nice that you did a little earlier. I was almost 8 months pregnant with my first pregnancy when I moved to the Saddleback ward. No one knew me so I didn't have volunteers to throw me one. It was kind of sad, but then my awesome friend Fabiana, from our previous ward in Longmont threw me one. We had this same game in mine too. Isn't clever and cool? You look super cute. Now and then I go to Firestone so next time I’m there I’ll stop by to drop your present =)
