Friday, January 23, 2009

Five Months Today!

Well as of today Aaron and I have been married for five months. Sometimes it seems longer than that, and other times it seems like we got married yesterday! We're still figuring each other out and figuring our future out as well. We're trying to decide if we should buy a house and that and taking care of Quincy have been the dominant topics of our conversation lately. It will be nice when we have a better idea of what the next few years will look like! I feel like we're kind of in limbo right now. So just FYI, Angels Brought Me Here is a really great song and definitely the perfect song from me to Aaron. I really love it. :)
There's a really good chance that my family will move here this summer and I'm REALLY hoping that happens!! I miss them so badly. I think this is the longest I've ever gone without going home to visit. Modern communication is my favorite blessing lately since I can keep in touch with all my brothers and my parents and sister all the time. Those Andrus people are my best friends :)


  1. congrats on 5 months! time goes by so fast huh? we're close to our 1 year mark!!! a house and quincy are the topic of conversation... so no babies? :)

  2. Not yet! :) What about you two???
