Thursday, January 22, 2009

Janae is sick and Aaron gets stuck with needles

Well I woke up this morning a little before 5am and got all ready for work. I had my belt and badge and everything, but before I could get my shoes on, I got really nauseous and had to run to the bathroom. This repeated itself twice before I could get out the door, so I called my team leader and asked how badly they needed people. He said they were fine and I should just come back in next week. So I did some homework for an hour and then crashed back into bed until noon. Aaron is working from home today because he got cavities filled this morning and needed to get immunizations this afternoon (he's getting stuck with all kinds of needles today!). He came in to tell me he was leaving and that the dog needed to be fed. So I got up and took the dog outside and fed him and took him outside again. Of course, the resident manager walked by and played with the puppy and asked me what apartment I was in. I heard myself telling her our apartment number before I could think of a way to avoid saying it. (We haven't paid our pet deposit...) So that stunk. I've spent the last hour or so thinking of different things I could've said or done to avoid the question.... Too late. :(
So then Quincy decided it was playtime instead of potty time and I tried taking him out four different times, but he didn't seem to the need the trip even though he just ate, so I've stopped the treks down the stairs and now he's napping in his crate and I'm blogging before I start more homework.
Being sick is pretty miserable. My stomach is really hurting and this nausea won't leave me alone. So I should probably be on the BRAT diet that my mom taught me: Bread, Rice, Applesauce and Toast...well I did have one piece of dry toast this morning, but I'm about to have a sweet potato with butter and pepper for lunch (best meal EVER). Sorry mom! It's so yummy...I can't help myself... :)
Oh I feel that I should clarify...I'm not pregnant! Sorry to raise any hopes with my sickness story :) Ok, time to prep for my midterms.


  1. will's been sick with the same stuff! and i woke up last night thinking i was going to..maybe something is going around??

  2. Maybe! Actually it was pretty funny because when I came out of the bathroom, Quincy looked at me and threw up a little bit too! Aw, sympathy pain... :)
