Sunday, July 10, 2011

Gingerbread House Contest Result

How's this for overdue?? I posted the result on Facebook right after the contest, but it has come to my attention that not everyone saw it! So this is for Brielle :) The contest winner was House A, made by Janae! That's me!! lol, so yes, I got to open the first present on Christmas morning :) Oh and Aaron's gingerbread house fell apart almost immediately after he took the picture! So it's a good thing he got the picture in time! He might have added more but didn't get the chance. It was a close contest! Thanks for voting you guys, it was really fun and will probably be an annual tradition :)

I plan to get back to blogging, so prepare for an onslaught of entries as I catch up on events of 2011...


  1. Yay Janae!!!!! What was the first present?

  2. lol, man I can't remember now... I'm sure it was a good one though :)
