Thursday, December 23, 2010

Gingerbread House Contest!

Each contestant had access to 13.5 graham crackers, one bag of Brach's Holiday Mix candy, half a bag of Brach's Crimp Ribbon candy, 8.1 ounces of whipped chocolate frosting, 8.1 ounces of whipped vanilla frosting, a working surface of their choice (cookie tray and cutting board were chosen), a spoon, a knife, paper towels, and of course, their own ingenuity (unfortunately that last resource seriously tipped the scales, but what can you do??). There was no limit on time or smack talk.

The contestants were responsible for taking their own pictures at the end and choosing only two to post for judging. Gingerbread houses will be referred to as House A and House B, assigned by the flip of a coin.

YOU will be the judge of the contest! The poll is posted on the right side of this the pictures and choose carefully! The winner gets to open the first gift on Christmas morning! Woohoo! Looking forward to the final result! The poll will close at 10pm on Christmas Eve (because that's when we're going to bed! lol). Thanks for participating!! Happy judging!



Don't forget to vote in the poll! It's in the top right corner of the page :)

Merry Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. I love them both! But don't worry, I did pick my favorite :P
