Saturday, September 29, 2012


I've started working from home!!  Yay!!  We'd been short-staffed at work already and when I was suddenly gone for a couple of weeks unexpectedly it was really felt by the team (not because of me in particular, if anyone was gone it would have hurt - especially since it was toward the end of the month!!), so my supervisor didn't want to lose another tech.  She arranged it with me to be able to work from home while I'm dealing with these issues.  I had to give up some benefits and whatnot but it's this or no job at this point, so I'm happy!  I'm SO grateful to be able to do this, and it feels SO good to be productive!

I need to be careful though, I pushed myself a bit too hard the first day and it was really painful.  It's amazing how even sitting up is painful, I really have to lie down to be okay.  I just need to take more breaks and not be at the computer for more than a couple of hours at a time.

I thought all this laying around was just about managing my pain, but one day last week I did a terrible job staying down and I walked around the house a lot, getting food or whatever else I needed.  It was really painful, but I was so tired of being idle that I just pushed myself through the pain and didn't rest as much as I have been.  That night I had some very light spotting.  The next day I barely moved, just to be safe, and the spotting stopped!  Whew!

I went to the doctor again last week and she doesn't like me working from home, but she understands I really want to be productive.  She said as long as I'm careful she'll sign off on it, but she warned me that the further along I get in my pregnancy, the more difficult it will probably be and she's more likely to put me on full bed rest (yikes!).  So that's been a good motivator for me to take care of myself as well as I can so I can avoid full bed rest and keep working from home while still keeping my baby safe and healthy!

It has been very hard to lie in my house in a lot of pain day after day, but I have a lot of support from my friends.  Meals, cleaning, cooking, grocery shopping, lending me books, keeping me company, random treats, rides to the doctor - you name, they've done it!!  It's surprisingly hard to accept so much help, but I don't have a lot of choices because I need it!  They are so amazing - I've been overwhelmed by everyone's love and kindness.  Someday soon it will turn around and I can help them all in return.  

This whole thing is so much harder than I ever anticipated but I will do whatever it takes to get through a successful pregnancy and hold a healthy baby in my arms!

Less than two weeks until we (hopefully) can find out the gender!!


  1. I'm so happy for you! I've been reading your journey through pregnancy in silence over here, so I thought I should comment. I've been keeping Keith informed, too. :)

    You're almost halfway there! Keep up the good work. I know that sitting at home not doing much isn't fun, but growing a human is hard work!

    I'm excited to know what you're having! :D

  2. I can't WAIT to hear if it's a Boy or Girl!!! So exciting! Hang in there SuperMom. It's HHHAAARRRDDD, but hang in there. You're amazing!
