Sunday, September 9, 2012

Week 15


  1. Am I supposed to be looking forward to your weekly letters??? Cause I do. YOU'RE JUST THE COOLEST SWEETEST MOM IN THE WHOLE WORLD!! You're cracking me up with getting the "stroller view", I think I may have done the same thing....
    And baby products can be so overwhelming because you don't know what your baby will like, I remember FA-REAKING out over bottles and I nursed, so it shouldn't have even been an issue! I just wanted to be prepared for every.single.scenario. Then baby gets here and you just start learning and it isn't nearly as intense or earth shattering as it was while pregnant because the baby puts everything into perspective and you're on cloud 9 just holding him/her. Its going to be fabulous!
    And my dear, you are looking just cuter and cuter!! I never had such a cute little baby bump, I go straight to the beer belly gut look...nice.
    What a great brother you have too!!

  2. I think the hardest part about figuring out baby products right now for us first-timers is that everyone has a different opinion, and you don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. Plus you don't really know what your own opinion is yet, lol. You just try to be as educated/economical about your decisions as possible and hope for the best. But seriously, even though Baby Asher is coming a few months before your little one, I won't have all the answers for you because every baby and mama is different and prefers different things. My Mom advised me not to even buy bottles or binkies until Baby Asher comes because if you get a ton of one kind, they will just end up liking another kind. And there's another piece of advice to take or leave, lol.
