Friday, December 14, 2012

Best Book Ever!!!

So this evening I surprised Aaron and took him out to dinner at Chili's to celebrate the end of his super busy semester taking TWO courses for his MBA (NEVER AGAIN...we're going back to the one class at a time system, two was insane!).  It was fun to celebrate and make him feel special and awesome - because he is!  He totally got A's on his assignments by the way!!  He's a hard worker, not to mention a smarty pants :)

Anyway, as we sat at Chili's waiting to order our food, Aaron suddenly remembered that he had an online meeting set up that night with his friend Mark that he was going to miss, so he grabbed his phone to text him and postpone it for another time.  The pregnant emotional version of me started to tear up because I felt really bad that my special surprise dinner was messing up his plans when it was supposed to be a positive thing, so of course I started to tear up despite my best efforts to play it cool...  Aaron saw that I was getting emotional and quickly said, "Wait wait wait - I have something to brighten your mood!" and he proceeded to tell me about how he had told his coworkers about yet another hormonal/emotional moment I had (I swear, the littlest things make me cry these days, it's ridiculous) when I saw how dang thick the "What To Expect The First Year" book is.  Seriously - I think it's thicker than the Bible!!  Anyway, Aaron's coworker decided to be completely awesome and make a much less intimidating book for me to guide me through baby's first year.  So Aaron pulled it out and read it to me.  And I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!

Check it out...

Best Book Ever!!!  Thanks Roy!  :) I'm actually seriously going to keep this and read it multiple times - it pretty much covers everything!  Makes things feel much more manageable - I love it! :)  Although I can't be sure Aaron didn't add that last bit of advice himself...handwriting analysis is pending.  ;)

Oh and since it was his special night, I even shared my brownie with Aaron at Chili's.  
That's love people.

 (Disclaimer -- Janae would like to specify that it is Pregnant Janae who cries a lot, not her.  Thank you.) :)


  1. Thats so cute! Janae, you have NOTHING to worry about. You're going to be an amazing mom. You were raised by amazing parents. Do what they did. Do what Aarons parents did. Throw in your own special things. You're golden.

  2. I love reading your blogs, Janae. You, Aaron and your kids will love going back and reading them in years to come! I almost wish I was disciplined enough to do the same. Maybe I'll just start now by writing a book and title it "How I Met Your Mother". I can write about all my crazy stories... it'll be awesome! :-D
