Sunday, March 3, 2013

Week 40!


  1. Awwww, try not to worry too much. I know it is scary, it is every time, but your testimony sure was beautiful today and you KNOW God is watching over you ALL. He didn't bring you this far for there to be anything wrong now. Can you believe you're here?!?! A day AFTER the day you felt like would never come!!! Oh man, so excited for you. I can not wait to see her beautiful sweet face!! I know its 100x that on your end! Hang in there, it is going to be the most amazing day of your life, you don't even know how INCREDIBLE you are about to feel!! YAY BABY!!! YAY JANAE!!! LOVE YA!

  2. CONGRATULATIONS on making it to 40 weeks! HOORAY! We'll be praying for your delivery. Hang in there. :) Lots of love

  3. I cant belive it's been 40 weeks already! All the crying and laughters in our office! YAY i feel part of the Journey because let me tell you my mormom friend, Keeping up with your pregnancy hormonones and mood swings was not easy. Congratulations to you and Aaron and I will ensure to pray to baby Jesus so that everything comes out well:)
