Monday, October 22, 2012

Baby Kicking!

Quick little milestone update...Last Tuesday (10/16) around 9pm I felt the baby kicking for the first time!!  It was AWESOME!!  I immediately grabbed my phone and called my baby sister, but reached her voicemail and left a very super excited squeal sound that I'm sure I thought was me saying the baby was kicking ;)  Then I hollered for Aaron as loud as I could!  He was all the way in the basement and I didn't think he would be able to hear me, but I didn't want to move and have her stop kicking.  I guess I was loud enough because he heard me and he came racing upstairs in a panic thinking something was wrong - poor guy!  The look on his face was hilarious when I told him the baby was kicking!  If "yelling-with-that-amount-of-urgency-is-reserved-for-imminent-death-situations-only-woman!-seriously-she's-kicking??-this-is-awesome!-I'm-tired-from-sprinting-up-all-the-stairs.-thank-goodness-you're-okay,-ooh-can-I-feel-her-kick-too??" was a look - that would be the look that was on his face ;)

The girls in the youth group at church (ages 14-18) were all at my house that night cooking freezer meals for us (how awesome are they??!) and so this was about a half an hour after they left and the volume level in my house had drastically decreased.  I think the baby had gotten really riled up with all the noise and once it was quiet and calm enough for me to feel her moving around in there, I sure did feel it!

Sampson got really excited about all the activity, so he jumped up on the couch to get in on the action.  I snapped this hilarious photo of Sampson copying us by putting his paw on my belly to see what the big deal was --

The timing could not have been better because I'd been having a rough day, but feeling her little kicks put me in such a euphoric, happy mama state that nothing bothered me - and just in time!  That night was probably the worst night of pain I've had so far, but it was so weird because I felt like my body and mind were completely separate that night.  I felt the pain and could barely breathe and definitely couldn't sleep, but I just laid awake and spent the whole time picturing playing with my baby or rocking her to sleep and I wasn't emotionally or mentally bothered at all that I was hurting so badly.  That was my little miracle that gave me the peace of mind I needed to get through at least a couple more days of hurting.

I've really enjoyed feeling her kicks over the past week and I can't wait until Aaron can feel them too!

(Geez, it's like she knows what I'm writing about because she's been kicking nonstop the whole time I spent writing this!!  I think she's doing somersaults in there or something...I love the reminder that she's in there and she's okay!!)  :)

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